Educational Psychology Courses
301 Human Abilities and Learning. 2-3 cr. Principles and techniques of learning, individual differences in abilities. P: So st.
320 Human Development in Infancy and Childhood. 2-3 cr. Normative processes and individual differences in physical, mental, social and emotional development and behavior from infancy through late childhood.
321 Human Development in Adolescence. 2-3 cr. Physiological, social, and cognitive changes which characterize the transition from childhood to adult life.
331 Human Development From Childhood Through Adolescence. 3 cr. Social and psychological aspects of human development from early childhood through adolescence; implications for education. P: Enrl in, or So st w/pre-cert in, one of these tchr cert prgms: art for preschl/kindrgrtn-grade 12; music for p/k-12; phy ed for p/k- 12; spec ed p/k-12, & grades 1-9.
521 Adolescent Development in Educational Contexts. 3 cr. Normative patterns of physical, mental, social, moral, and psychological development during adolescence, with special emphasis on influences of educational settings and implications for schooling. Individual differences in adolescent development resulting from family and cultural background, personal characteristics, and historical events. P: Admission to secondary educ cert progm.
540 Introduction to Professional School Psychology. 3 cr. Introduction to the professional roles and functions of school psychologists; historical development; legal and ethical issues; overview of assessment, intervention, and consultation for children and adolescents at risk for, or with, academic, behavioral, emotional, and social difficulties; applied research in school psychology. P: Grad st or cons inst.
541 Applied Behavior Analysis in Classrooms. 3 cr. Application of behavioral analysis to educational situations for both exceptional and normal children and adolescents.
699 Independent Reading Undergrad. 1-3 cr.
708 The Study of Teaching. (Crosslisted with Curric) 3 cr. Alternative research approaches to the study of teaching; for example, process-product, aptitude treatment interaction, ethnographic. P: Grad st.
709 Seminar in Research in Educational Psychology I. 3 cr. Areas of research in field, emphasis on logic of inquiry and development of strategies for investigating particular problems.
710 Seminar in Research in Educational Psychology II. 3 cr. Planning and conducting empirical research project, with assistance from faculty advisor and course faculty. P: Ed Psych 709.
711 Current Topics in Educational Psychology. 1-3 cr. (See Timetable for current topic.). P: Cons inst.
714 Problem Solving, Thinking and Creativity. 3 cr. Theories and definitions of creativity, creative personality, creative thinking and problem solving processes, creativity testing, teaching for creative development, and teaching thinking skills. P: Grad st.
715 Practicum for Teachers of the Gifted and Talented. 3 cr. Planning and conducting learning experiences for gifted students. P: Ed Psych 501 and Grad st.
720 Child Development. 3 cr. Individual development in infancy and childhood. Individual differences in and contextual influences on physical, cognitive, social, and personality development.
721 Adolescent Development. 3 cr. Individual differences in and contextual influences on physical, cognitive, social, and personality development.
722 Adult Development and Aging. 3 cr. Overview of individual development from young adulthood through middle and old age. Review of major conceptualizations of adult development and recent research regarding personality change, intellectual functioning, career and family stages, social relations, biological changes, sexuality, death and dying. P: Ed Psych 723 or Ed Psych/Chld&Fam 725 or cons inst.
723 Developmental Processes Across the Life Span. 3 cr. Life-span perspective on studying individual development from conception to death. Emphasis on multidisciplinary, multidirectional, and contextual approaches to physical, psychological, social, and intellectual developmental processes. P: Grad st.
725 Theory and Issues in Human Development. (Crosslisted with HDFS) 3 cr. P: Cons inst.
726 Social Development of Ethnic/Racial Minority Children. (Crosslisted with Coun Psy, HDFS) 3 cr. Review of the empirical and theoretical research describing social development of minority children from four racial/ethnic groups (African Americans, Asian Americans, American Indian, and Latino) with emphasis on implications for counseling and school psychology. P: Couns psych or ed psych dept major or cons inst.
731 Laboratory in Developmental Research. 3 cr. Emphasis on developing skills necessary for researchers in human development, observational techniques, experimental methods in infant and child research, design of lab equipments, research design for developmental problems.
740 Cognitive Assessment of Children in the Schools. 3 cr. Theories of intelligence and intelligence testing, construction and validation of the Binet and Wechsler tests, administration of tests, interpretation of test results and report writing, recent research in intelligence testing. P: Ed Psych 570 & 760 or Psych 210 & 370 or cons inst.
741 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment. 3 cr. Knowledge and skills necessary to conduct comprehensive assessments of social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in children and adolescents; theoretical foundations; assessment procedures and instruments; diagnostic and eligibility criteria; early identification and intervention. P: Ed Psych 740 or cons inst.
742 Assessment and Intervention for Academic Skill Problems. 3 cr. Assessment methods and intervention strategies for children with academic skill problems in educational settings; practice in application of assessment and intervention approaches to case studies. P: Cons inst.
743 Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in School Psychology. 2 cr. Ethical issues in school psychology, legal issues in psychological testing and rights of handicapped children; current controversies, research, and professional organizations in school psychology. P: Cons inst.
745 Advanced Assessment Techniques. 3 cr. Assessment of achievement: sensory-motor skills, adaptive behavior, developmental readiness, and neuropsychological functioning. Integration and interpretation of data in diagnosis and remediation. P: Cons inst.
760 Statistical Methods Applied to Education I. 3 cr. Introductory descriptive statistics and statistical inference; measures of central tendency and variability, confidence intervals, theory of hypothesis testing, correlation techniques.
761 Statistical Methods Applied to Education II. 3 cr. Analysis of variance and covariance, multiple linear regression; chi-square and various nonparametric techniques. P: Ed Psych 760 or Psych 210.
762 Introduction to the Design of Educational Experiments. 3 cr. Classical experimental designs and their application to educational research, factorial treatment arrangements, confounding, repeated measures design, and related topics. P: Ed Psych 760, 761.
763 The Design and Analysis of Research in Educational Psychology. 3 cr. Various techniques. Methodology and data analysis with emphasis on verbal interpretation. P: Ed Psych 762.
771 Test Construction. 3 cr. Procedures for development and analysis of educational tests and questionnaires; strategies for measurement of achievement, attitude, and interests; procedures for item analysis and assessment of reliability and validity. P: Ed Psych 760 and 570.
773 Factor Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling and Cluster Analysis. 3 cr. Major types of factor models, nonmetric multidimensional scaling methods and clustering procedures. Methods of data collection, mathematical algorithms, estimating the number of factors, transformation and identification of factors. P: Ed Psych 761.
775 Policy Issues in Educational Assessment. (Crosslisted with Ed Pol) 3 cr. Policy alternatives at K-12 level analyzed in historical and comparative perspective. Special focus on use of assessment as lever for school reform.
791 Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences. 3 cr. Provides a working knowledge of digital computers. Computing machines, use of standard statistical library programs, programming and application of digital computers to research in the behavioral sciences.
792 Tools for Thought. 3 cr. Cognitive analysis of educational technologies, exploring relationships among tools, thinking, and learning. Studies of Froebel's gifts and occupations, typewriters, film and video, spreadsheets, word processors, the Internet, and other tools for analyzing technology and education.
795 Introduction to Learning Sciences I. 3 cr. Survey of major theories and elementary cognitive and social processes in learning. P: Grad st.
796 Introduction to the Learning Sciences II. 3 cr. Principles of learning emphasizing higher order cognitive and social processes. P: Ed Psych 795 or cons inst.
840 Clinical Practicum in School Psychology. 1-6 cr. Applied experience in comprehensive psychological and educational evaluation procedures with children, parent interviewing, school consultation; remedial therapeutic, and counseling techniques with children and parents; practicum experience individually determined by student's prior training and course work. P: Ed Psych 740, 741 & cons inst.
844 Childhood and Adolescent Psychopathology in Schools. 3 cr. Reviews major psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence as relevant to schools; examines etiology and developmental course, documenting major characteristics and behavior correlates of disorders; provides a comparison of major diagnostic and classification systems for childhood psychopathology. P: Grad st.
845 Psychopharmacological Treatments for Children and Adolescents. 3 cr. Provides an overview of psychopharmacological treatments of childhood and adolescent disorders in educational settings. Topics covered include basic biological principles of drugs and drug treatment, specific drug classifications and their biological actions, drug treatments for childhood disorders, and professional issues. P: Grad st & cons inst.
861 Statistical Analysis and Design in Educational Research. 3 cr. A non-parametric perspective of classical experimental designs and their application to educational research, factorial treatment arrangements, repeated measures designs, and related topics. P: Ed Psych 760 or equiv.
862 Multivariate Analysis. 3 cr. Advanced statistics devoted to multivariate distribution theory and analysis; multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, canonical correlation, etc., considered in relation to each other; review of contributions of Fisher, Hotelling, Rao, and others. P: Ed Psych 861 or cons inst.
870 Test Theory I. 3 cr. Theory and principles of test development and validation, classical test theory, introduction to theory and method of scaling, statistical procedures, especially applicable to psychometrics. P: Ed Psych 570 and 760.
871 Test Theory II. 3 cr. Continuation of 870. Theory underlying validity, scoring procedures, prediction and classification, normal, binomial, Poisson and logistic models. P: Differential calculus and an intermed crse in stat required.
880 Prevention Science. (Crosslisted with HDFS, Nursing, Soc Work) 3 cr. This course provides a theoretical, empirical and practical foundation for prevention science as it relates to the prevention of human social problems. Research and evaluation methods, program design strategies, best practices and policy as they relate to the field of prevention are also examined. P: 2nd yr Grad st or cons inst.
881 Capstone Seminar in Prevention Science. (Crosslisted with HDFS, Nursing, Soc Work) 1 cr. This course provides an opportunity for students to meet with prevention professionals and scholars from across campus and the community to explore current and emerging issues of prevention research and professtional practice. P: HDFS/Ed Psych/Nurs/Soc Work 880 & cons inst.
890 Theoretical Aspects of Computer-Based Instructional Systems. 3 cr. Educational and psychological theory underlying the use of cumputers in the instructional process. Relationship of learning theory and theories of instruction to computer based diagnostic and prescriptive procedures.
891 Computer Hardware-Software Systems for Instructional Use I. 3 cr. Learning and instructional theory related to design of instructional systems; available hardware and software.
920 Seminar in Child Development. 2-3 cr. Specialized seminar focusing on topics in the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. Investigations of the relations between development, learning, and behavior in educational contexts. See timetable for current topics. P: Cons inst.
921 Seminar in Adolescent Development. 2-3 cr. Selected aspects of intellectual, emotional, physiological, personality and social development in adolescence. Understanding adolescent behavior in educational settings.
922 Seminar in Adult Development and Aging. 2-3 cr. Variables in adult development and the aging process, intellectual changes, social and personality development in adulthood, implications for adult education. P: Ed Psych 722 or 723 or cons inst.
928 Seminar: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life-Span Development. (Crosslisted with HDFS, Soc) 3 cr. An interdisciplinary examination of selected aspects of human development across the life-span. The influences of biological, psychological, family, economic, cultural and historical forces upon personality, cognitive, moral and social development throughout the life course. P: Ed Psych 723, Soc 575 or Cave 640 or cons inst.
942 Systems of Consultation in School Psychology. 2-3 cr. Mental health, behavioral and organization development models of consultation in school psychology. Overview of evidence-based prevention and intervention programs as implemented in a consultation problem-solving process. P: Cons inst.
943 Internship in School Psychology. 1-12 cr. Supervised individualized placements in appropriate schools, institutions, and community agencies; controlled exposure to job demands of school psychologists; experience in dealing with problem children, adolescents, and their families. P: Cons inst.
946 Advanced Assessment and Intervention Techniques. 3 cr. Advanced assessment practices and the corresponding link to intervention; intervention strategies and programs designed to improve the academic, emotional, behavioral and social functioning of children and adolescents. P: Cons inst.
947 Evidenced-based Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. 3 cr. Critical review of various psychotherapeutic approaches (cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic) with special emphasis on identifying and implementing evidence-based assessment and interventions for a variety of behavioral and emotional problems experienced by children and adolescents. P: Cons inst.
948 Seminar in School Psychology. 2 cr. Focus on research methods, special topics, technical writing, and ethical principles in conducting research in school psychology. Emphasis on skills needed to design and complete individual research projects. P: Cons inst.
960 Structural Equation Modeling. 3 cr. Introduction to the theory and practice of structural equation modeling in the educational and social sciences, including path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and hybrid models. P: Ed Psych 760 & 761, or equiv.
961 Seminar-Statistics and Research Design. 3 cr. P: Cons inst.
964 Hierarchical Linear Modeling. (Crosslisted with Elpa) 3 cr. Introduction to the statistical methodology of hierarchical linear modeling, including random intercept and random slope and intercept models; models for longitudinal data; and multilevel generalized linear models. P: Ed Psych 760 & 761, or equiv.
971 Advanced Seminar in Educational Measurement and Statistics. 1-2 cr. Each week, students will read and discuss a different current article from the educational statistics and measurement literature. The purpose of this course is to explore a variety of subjects in which students might like to eventually conduct research. P: Ed Psych 871 or cons inst.
990 Research or Thesis. 1-12 cr. P: Grad st.
999 Independent Reading. 1-3 cr. P: Grad St.
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI