Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Top 10 manusia paling berpengaruh di dunia

The 2009 TIME 100 Finalists
1. Barack Obama
2. The Twitter Guys, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone
3. Jim Cramer
4. The Charter 08 authors
5. Tzipi Livni
6. Bernie Madoff
7. Arianna Huffington
8. Pope Benedict XVI
9. Rain
10. George W. Bush

nota kaki:
-macam xpercaya Rain dok nombor 9.
-Tzipi Livni tu yelah Perdana Menteri Israel.
-Sarah Palin kat nombor 27..
-Jonas Brother kat nombor 28 & kat tangge yang ke 29 yelah Britney Spears. phew!
-wife Obama, Michelle Obama kat tempat ke-40..
-ni special sket, Anwar Ibrahim kat tempat ke-124 okayy. before that, rasenye takde rakyat Msia pon dalam list tu.. hee.

nk tgk full list, klik sini.

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